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Products & Services Settings
Derek Deng avatar
Written by Derek Deng
Updated over a week ago


In Products & Services settings section you can set a few things to make your job easier.

First of all, in the Defaults section, you can set whether all the products and services are commissionable as the default option or not. 

Secondly, you can add Custom Fields, Custom Field Groups and the Products & Services Groups.

To do so, you need to press on the settings wheel at the top right corner and navigate to the Products & Services section:

Products & Services Preferences:

Simply click the 'Edit' button to set the default settings for your account like enabling your Products & Services to be Commissionable.

Pricing Groups

The next section is where you can configure Pricing Groups for your Products & Services. Once created you will then need to attach these groups to any Customers the special pricing will apply for as well as adding specific pricing details on each eligible Product or Service.

To learn more about this entire process you can read more here.

Custom Fields and Custom Field Groups

You can create the Custom Field groups to have some order for your Custom Fields. To add a Custom Field Group, press the universal add button (+ Add new) and you will get a pop-up window:

Enter the name for the group in the Name field. In the Order field, enter the order number in which this group should appear in the list.

Also you can create the Custom Fields for the Products and Services. Just press the (+ Add new) button in the Custom Fields section and this pop-up window will appear:

Enter the Display Name of the Custom Field and choose a custom field group that you've created previously. Also, select the input type from the drop down menu and enter the number in the Order field, describing the order in which this Custom Field should appear in the list of Custom Fields under the Product or Service.

Products & Services Groups

Finally, in the Products & Services Groups section you can create the groups for your products or services. To do so, press the universal add button (+ Add new) at this section and the pop-up screen will appear:

Enter the name of this group and select the income account from the drop down menu if needed.

When the group is created, this will appear in a Group drop down menu when you create a new Product or Service:

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