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Royalty Adjustments
Updated over 5 years ago

Royalty Adjustments functionality is a part of the ServiceBridge Dynamic Royalties Framework.  This feature can be used for reimbursements from previous Royalty Reports if something was calculated incorrectly. Current Royalty Report can also be modified if it has not approved yet. Previous royalty reports cannot be modified.

Basically, the Royalty Adjustments feature is to correct any inaccuracy that appears in the Royalty payment calculation and it can be done for the benefit of both Franchisee and Franchisor.

To create a Royalty Adjustment, you need to go to your Companies section at the left of your screen and select one of your Franchisee companies:

After the Company Details page opens, navigate to the Royalty Adjustments section and press the (+Add new) button:

This will open a pop-up window where you need to enter the Royalty Adjustment information:

If you choose the Type 'Credit', this will be the amount that you as a Franchisor needs to credit a franchisee and reduce his royalty payment. If you choose the type 'Penalty', this will be the additional amount that your Franchisee needs to pay you.

When you save the Adjustment, it will appear in the gird under the Royalty Adjustments section. In this grid you can search for a particular Adjustment by name, or sort the grid by Name, Description, Target Date, Type and Amount by pressing on the header of the column:

Also, you can edit or delete any Adjustment in the list by pressing the Edit or Delete buttons. However, if you delete an Adjustment that was already included in the previously approved Royalty Report, it will stay on this report and will be deleted only from the grid.

This section contains all of the adjustments that were ever created for this Franchisee.


Royalty Adjustments will appear on the Royalty Report according to the target date of the Royalty Adjustment and the Report period.

All the Adjustments can be found in the Royalties section, in the list of Royalty Reports, which can be sorted by any column and filtered by status or company:

If you need more details about the Royalty Adjustments, you can open the particular report and see all the needed information.

If you create the Royalty Adjustment after the Royalty report was already generated, and it should appear in this particular report, press the 'Refresh' button and the Adjustment will appear in the Details section of the Report:

If the amount of the Adjustment is in brackets, it means that this amount will be excluded from the Royalty payment as a credit, and if it's not, it means that this amount will be added to this Royalty payment as a penalty. If there is more than one Adjustment for the particular period, the Adjustments amount will be the sum of all the credits and penalties applied for the Franchisee at this period.

If you want to see the details of the Adjustments that are included in the Royalty Report, you can navigate to the Adjustment Details section and see the name, description, target date and amount of all the Adjustments that are included in the Royalty Report:

This grid is also sortable by name, description, target date and amount. You can sort it by clicking on the header of the column.


In the Franchisee view, Royalty Adjustments can be seen in the Royalties section. They can see it in the Royalties grid, Adjustments column:

The Franchisee may filter the Royalty Reports by status and date range. In the Actions column they can see a 'Submit' button for the reports that are pending.

If the Franchisee wants to see more details about the Royalty Adjustments applied to this report, they can open it and see the Adjustment Details section:

They can also sort this grid by Name, Description, Target Date, and Amount by pressing the header of the column.

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