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Company Activity Notes
Updated over 5 years ago

As a Franchisor, you can add Activity Notes for your child companies. The Franchisees will not see those Activity Notes, so these notes are only for you as a Franchisor, to add some additional information to your records.

To create an Activity Note for one of your Companies, go to the Companies section and select a Company from the list. When the Company Details window opens, navigate to the Activity Notes section and press the (+Add new) button:

This opens a pop-up window called "Add New Activity Note":

Author is the user who created the Activity Note and this field is not editable. Also, you can select a date of the note.

Type the text of the Activity Note and select if the Note is Flagged or not. Flagged Activity Notes appear at the top of the Company Details page and are used as a reminder for important information about the Company:

Also, all the created Activity Notes appear in the Activity Notes section. In this grid you can sort the notes by source, date and Author. You just need to click on the header of the column and the notes will be sorted:

Another useful feature is that you can filter the Activity Notes and see the activity notes that this Franchisee has created or see a list of the Royalty Reports in one grid.

The default filter is 'Company' and it filters only those Activity Notes that were created by you as a Franchisor.

The filter 'Everything' will display all the Activity Notes related to or created by this Company. Also, you can filter only those Activity Notes that were created by this company, for their Customers/ Estimates/ Invoices/ Payments/ Projects/ Work Orders:

If you choose the filter Royalty Report, it will display all the Royalty Reports of this Company in one list:

Activity notes help you to keep organized and not forget important information about your Franchisees. This is a comfortable way for having reminders about the Company every time you open their record.

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