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Creating Commission Roles

Commission Roles allow applying different commission rates and incentives to each technician and/or sales rep

Updated over 5 years ago

Create a Commission Role

Click on the ‘Settings’ wheel in top right hand side of the screen. Under the Settings header select Personnel.

Navigate to Commission Roles. Click the “+Add new” button to create a new role.

Role Name:

  • Name of the Role. Note that you will be able to select the role name when applying it to a Personnel.

Is Sales Representative Role:

  • Let’s you select if the role can be applied to a sales rep or a technician.

Commission Rate for Product & Services

  • Commission Type lets you choose when the commissions are paid out. On Invoice is as soon as the work order is invoiced. On Progress Payment is from any payment on the invoice. For example if half the invoice is paid then the commissions will be calculated from half the payment. On Fully Paid Invoice is when invoice is marked as payed. In other words when the invoice has a zero balance.

  • Include future Products & Services allow presetting commission type (flat or percent), rate, and if to use invoiced price.

Bulk Actions allows selecting a commission rate for more than one line item at once: (Can be enabled by selecting ‘ON’ on the right side of Bulk Actions)

  • Commission Rate. Enter a percentage rate to be applied. Note that selecting ‘Is Flat’ option will calculate a sum amount instead of percent. For example, when ‘Is Flat’ is selected and amount of 2.00 is entered, that means $2.00 will be paid out.

  • Use Invoiced Price. Calculates commissions from invoice total instead of Work Order total (recommended).

  • Actions. Choose if you want to apply this bulk action towards all items or just products and services individually.

You can also Search for specific line items and modify each item individually or by a group. To edit an individual line item click on the pencil icon the right of it.

Click Save on the bottom right to save the Commission Role

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