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Work Orders Section Overview
Updated over 5 years ago

To access your work orders you will need to log in to your ServiceBridge account at

Work Orders

Work Orders allow you to view all of the work orders that you have for a specific day, week, month, or a selected range in the "More" drop down menu. You are able to sort jobs through status, ID, scheduled date, which team it is assigned to, the customer, description, price, and duration.

Searching for a work order is also very simple. You can simply begin typing the customers name, the description, price, duration, or work order number and it will narrow the search for you.

Here, after entering my customer's name in the search bar, I can see the work orders associated with him.
By clicking "Edit", you can modify any of the information about the job. By clicking "Invoice" it allows you to invoice the job.

Customer Information

Customer - Customer name.
Location Name - Customer address.
Contact - Contact name and information.
Tax Name - Tax name.
Tax Rate - Tax rate percentage.

Work Order Information

Summary - Summary of the job.
Status - Status of the job.
Assigned To - Who the job is assigned to.
Team Members - The team members for the job.
Confirmation Status - The confirmation status of the job.


Date & Time - The selected date and time for the job.
Estimated Duration - Estimated duration for the job.
Arrival Window - Estimated arrival window.


Notes - Notes that will appear on the work order.
Private Notes - Notes that will appear in the private note section
Invoice Notes - Notes that will appear in the invoice section.


Remind me before - How long before the job is the reminder set.
Message - The message that will appear for the reminder.
(learn more about reminders here:

Products, Services, Bundles

Products, services, and bundles allows you to view the added items for the job as well as edit any of the items by clicking the edit button

Custom Fields

Lets you edit or view the custom fields for this specific job.
Documents - View all of the documents associated with this job.
Photos - View the photos taken of the job.
Payments - View and collect payments through the payments tab.
Review - View the review of the job. Once the job is completed the customer has the option to rate the service.

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