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Improvements to Customer Locations & Contacts (June 2020)
Improvements to Customer Locations & Contacts (June 2020)

Describes important updates coming soon to Customer Locations and Contacts in ServiceBridge in June of 2020.

Updated over a year ago

Overview of some of the planned improvements

Coming to ServiceBridge in June of 2020 are a number of updates to how Customer Locations and Contacts work:

  • Set Billing Location and default Service Location for a Customer

  • Assign any Contact to multiple Locations

  • Set a primary Contact on a Location, not on a Customer

  • Create Contact roles for each Location they are assigned

  • QuickBooks Online Customer Billing Address and Customer Shipping Address sync to ServiceBridge

Create a Customer

When you create a new Customer in ServiceBridge you will be able to differentiate between the primary service and billing address.

We are going to create a new Customer Record for Chicago Cultural Center for this example. We have entered in all of the details for the service location and contact and click 'Save'.

***Billing Information - Same as Service: Please note that when you select this as an option for any Customer record the Job Billing Location will always match the Job Service Location you choose when you create a new job. This is important for Customers with multiple locations.

Now on the Customer record page you will see these changes right away under Contact Information. Now the Default Service Location will be a linked Location and Contact as well as allowing you to specify the Billing Location for all Customer Records in case you don't wish to bill each location individually for a large corporate client.

The other option you have is to set one location as the Default Billing Location for every piece of work. In the below example, we have selected the Main Location to be the Default Billing Location.

This means that every Invoice generated in the system will default to this location.

Changes to Customer Locations and Contacts

Now when you create a new location you will be required to specify the primary Contact. Additionally, each Contact can now be reused as many times as you like and attached to more than one Location in the Customer Record.

Add a New Location

Here we will create a new Service Location for our new Customer called 'Office'.

Managing Contacts and Roles

You are able to create as many new Contacts as you need for this Location directly from the Add New popup.

In this example we have added Joe Smith (who you'll remember is the primary Contact for our new Customer's Default 'Main' Service Location). We have also created and added two additional Contacts as well to this 2nd Service Location.

New Feature - Roles - You are also able to define a 'Role' for each Contact when you are creating or editing a Location. To do this you can click on the pencil icon on the right and type in whatever role best describes each contact like we have done below for John Smith and Joe Bradberry.

Once we have entered all of this information we click 'Save' and the new Location and Contacts have been created.

Locations and Contacts on the Customer Record

You will be able to see all of this new structure very easily from the Customer Record under the 'Locations' and 'Contacts' accordions.

Locations: Next to each Location is an arrow that when you click will show you all of the Contacts just as it did before, but now you will have new columns for Role and one designating the 'Primary Contact' for this Service Location.

Contacts: Next to each Contact you will see that is it easy to keep track of any Contact who is attached to more than one Service Location. We have made John Smith a contact for both the 'Main' and the 'Office' location, but Jane Smith and Joe Bradberry are only attached to 'Office'.

If we wished to add either to a new location all we would need to do is click 'Edit' next to the location we wished to add them as a Contact.

Updating Default Customer Billing Location & Future Jobs

Keep in mind that changing the Customer record's default Billing Location will effect jobs that have already been created in the system for Future Uninvoiced Jobs.

Imagine the following scenario for our newly created Customer - Chicago Cultural Center. Instead of having the same Billing Location as the default Service Location we want to designate a new Billing location as the default.

You can see at the bottom that we have already updated a location and named it accordingly to be the default Billing Location, but we have a previously created future job in the system for this Customer that will be effected when we update this Customer Record.

See how this will look following the steps below to update the default Billing Location.

First click 'Edit' on the Customer record.

Then scroll to the bottom of the popup to 'Billing Information'

  • Unclick the 'Same as Service' checkbox

  • Select the new default location from the dropdown - Billing-HQ in this example

  • Click save

***If you have any future jobs in the system already generated that will be effected by this change you will receive the following popup notifying you that these changes will effect the following jobs.

You can click show details to reveal clickable links to the effected jobs in case you wish to update those jobs to keep previous billing logic so be aware that these changes will be made when you click 'Yes'.

You can see our desired changes have been made to the Customer record here:

If we go to WO 49 you can see that these changes have also been applied to this future job as well. We would need to 'Edit' this job individually if we did not want the Billing Location for this Work Order to update in this one instance.

Notice also that this Billing information is now visible on the Work Order page not just from an Invoice.

Updates to the Customer and Work Order pages

Now with these changes to Customer Locations and Contacts you are now able to see this information as a column on your Customer and Job Pages.

You can select the Billing Location and Billing Contact to be visible making your pages more useful.


All of these new fields are of course now available to add to your Reports.

Changes for QuickBooks Online Customers

Finally it is very important to call out an important change for our customers using QuickBooks Online . With these new changes to Customer Locations and Contacts it is important to be aware that Customer Billing Addresses and Customer Shipping Addresses will now sync to your QuickBooks Online account (before it was only the billing address that was synced).

Please also be aware that the Contact that will sync to the QuickBooks Online Customer record will be the default Billing Location Contact.

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