If you are running your business with multiple locations and using Branches on ServiceBridge, you can add, remove or consolidate Branches.
Branches are used on ServiceBridge for:
Customer Location
Tax Zone (optional)
Work Order (WO)
Estimate (EST)
Refund (Credit Memo, Refund Receipt, Overpayment)
This article will go through a scenario where you need to convert two branches into one. The following steps will be taken:
- Rename Branch and update information on Branch Profile
- Transfer Customers to other Branch
- Transfer Personnel to other Branch
- Update future Jobs
- Delete Branch (or make Inactive in QuickBooks)
- Update Invoices to Branch changes on Royalty Reports
Rename Branch and Update Branch Profile
For QuickBooks Online users - branches are the same as QuickBooks Online Locations. Any updates in locations in QuickBooks Online will sync back changes to ServiceBridge.
First, in ServiceBridge, go to Settings -> Company and open "Branches" tab.
Click “Edit” to rename Branch Name. Save changes.
Click “Edit Profile” to update Branch profile information, save changes afterwards.
Transfer Customers to other Branch
Use Data Import/Export tool and extract all Customers into spreadsheet via Settings -> Data Import/Export -> Customers Export
Paste correct Branch name on “Location Branch Name” column in the spreadsheet, save changes.
Use same Data Import/Export tool and import updated Branch information from the spreadsheet.
Next, go to Settings -> Company -> QuickBooks tab and Sync QuickBooks so customer information gets updated.
Update Personnel
Update your Personnel and Teams with consolidated Branch information:
Go to Personnel tab -> select each personnel member by one. Click on "Edit" under General Tab. Rename "Branch" to correct one, click save.
Go to Personnel -> Teams, open team by one and select consolidated Branch, save edits.
Update Scheduled Work Orders
All future jobs you have scheduled need to be corrected to right branch.
Start by going to Jobs tab -> Estimates/Work Order. Set date filter to one year ahead of today's date. Use "Branch" filter to select unused branch.
Individually select each job thats tied to unused branch. Click "Edit" in each jobs "General" information.
For recurring jobs, you will need to update the "Master" schedule of that recurring job. For instance, if your job is numbered 75-6, you will need to go to the "Scheduler", which is job number 75-0. When you are in the scheduler, click "Edit" under General tab, and edit the branch. This will automatically take care of any future jobs in that schedule.
Delete Branch (or make Inactive on QuickBooks)
For QuickBooks Online users, mark as inactive no longer necessary Location in QuickBooks. Please refer to QuickBooks Online documentation
Finally, you will need to remove no longer necessary branch in ServiceBridge
Go to Settings -> Company -> Branches, click “Edit” and double check references to “QuickBooks locations”. Make sure it's labeled properly.
Delete unused Branches via Settings -> Company -> Branches, click on Recycle bin icon, confirm your decision to delete Branch.
Update Invoices for the Royalties period
Review invoices and update Invoices with the consolidate Branch for the period when Branches consolidation started and finished.
Read more about How to use Branches and Run a Multi Location Business